Friday, December 19, 2008

Interesting Things This Week

This week I read an article about our mental health year and it's shocking to hear the new they report. I wasn't aware that so many medications could be wrongfully represented and apporved by the drug administration even if they aren't working and flat out wrong. I also learned a fun fact that the Golden Gate Bridge is responsible for as many as 2 suicides per month! It's pretty rediculous to know that hospitals and their staff can't really be trusted and you have to treat everyone as a suspect. I also read another article where our behaviors in life can be more addicting then cocaine and other hard drugs because things like eating is a "more difficult and persistent" habit to face then quitting cold turkey on drugs.


Chris E. said...

that's makes a lot of sense, habits are hard to break especially behavioralistic ones.

Alice L. said...

This was interesting. Hopefully it'll make other people know how all medications aren't really what they seem to be.

Christine Pham said...

yeahh I read some of them too! They're actually pretty interesting to readdd haha that's crazy about 2 suicides per month from the Golden Gate Bridge, but at least they built a net to prevent more suicides. I also find it stupid too that hospitals/staffs have to be treated like suspects..isn't it suppose to be a friendly place..?

Joni said...

The golden gate bridge thing is pretty sad. Something really needs to be done to improve the overrall mental health of our country. This should not just be more medications.

Zeenat M. said...

I heard about the Golden Gate bridge thing. It's sad that many people think that suicide is the answer to their problems.

Steven F. said...

Figures. All the meds we take can actually be dangerous! whoopie, living guinea pigs we are! Golden gate bridge kills 2 people per month? that's like a shark attack happeneing!

Trevor B. said...

Its ironic how technology and medicine progresses new diseases and ailments seem to appear. about the golden gate bridge yea something has to be done bout that like have a telephone (suicide hotline) and maybe a patrol.

Natasha M. said...

I agree that breaking habits is really hard

Nicholas D. said...

sadly, the fda is a business. good article and a very important issue in today's society. nice blog

Anonymous said...

Wow...I had no idea the golden gate bridge was the site of that many suicides! Your post was very interesting! Nice job!